Welcome to our Website. We hope you enjoyed the slides above and will check out the the video below. We have created this website, not only to help educate you about long term comprehensive financial life planning in general, but also to answer the following questions in particular:
Who is Jim Druffner and why did he become a financial life planner? Answer
How does the financial life planning profession differ from the financial services industry? Answer
How does the financial life planning process work? Answer
What should I know about fees? Answer
How is financial life planning different from Groundhog Day? Or reincarnation? Answer
For the ladies: Is a man a plan? Answer
Also for the ladies: Why are you so special? Answer
But what about those TV ads from the banks and brokerage houses? Answer
How does investing fit into the financial life planning process now? Answer
Do you want to know more about long term comprehensive financial life planning? Click on Resources at the top of this page for a host of articles, videos, and other resources to help you understand more about financial life planning. Then click on Contact Us so that we can help you create - not just prepare for - a happy, secure, and fulfilling future.